I’m a father, husband, software developer.
Despite being born in tropical Miami, Florida to two Argentinean immigrants, I’ve spent much of my life with computers. It’s been an eventful journey that I’d like to share.
As technology became more pervasive in everyday life, so did my interest in its inner workings. I grew fascinated by the limitless information both available and targeted to everyone, and how to better make sense of it all.
I love talking about tech: in learning from others as well as sharing my findings, in its wonders and dangers, and in its creation and ideation. Wanna chat? Contact me.
This website is a reflection of my many learnings over the years and a work toward publicizing my own personal knowledge base. Mostly written in Markdown and built with Astro, a static site generator. Deployed and hosted on Netlify, a web developer platform that I’ve come to love over the past two years. Set in your browser’s favorite sans serif system font. No cookies or trackers being used.
For a look at my broader toolkit, check out my uses page.